Tony Vinh


Comedy And The Rule Of Trees.

"A tree that doesn't bend, breaks, Cedric." – Marla Daniels

"Bend too far, you're already broken." – Commissioner Cedric Daniels

(The Wire - Season 5, Ep. 10, Series Finale)

* * * *

As an Asian person first and a comedian second, or sometimes vice versa, I've found myself embattled with what to think about the big news this week in the world of comedy, and just how much a comedian's tree should bend.

As the person, I've heard the same racial slurs from the very first time I walked outside to play with other non-Asian kids in my non-Asian neighborhood to even now as an adult sometimes. And although I'm callused to where it doesn't hurt me anymore, it still bothers me.

As the comedian, I've heard the same "edgy, risky" jokes made throughout my comedy career. Especially because for some reason, it's still okay to make Asians the punchline and butt of the joke. Sometimes I just shake my head and turn the other way. Sometimes I can't help but laugh because, even if I hate to admit it, they're just damn funny. And sometimes I can't do anything at all...because I'm the asshole who said it.

Yeah, I've made these same kinds of "edgy, risky" jokes in my own act millions of times over the years. As well as other racist jokes, abortion jokes, pedophilia jokes, 9/11 jokes, gay jokes, religious jokes, etc. etc. etc. Some are still there. Many aren't. Good or bad, it's how every comic evolves and molds into something greater. Sometimes they kill and I think they're perfect the way they are. Sometimes they kill and I think, "I don't like how this group of folks wearing these white hoods are laughing a little TOO hard at that joke." And sometimes they bomb because, simply, they hurt people. People that you're looking directly into their eyes while saying it. Yikes.

My worst incident ever was years ago, I did a joke saying, "Asians are such bad drivers, I keep driving over speed bumps where there aren't even speed bumps. Turns out, they're just kids." The joke was bad itself (or edgy? Risky?) but to make matters worse, the show turned out to be a fundraiser for a family who's child just recently died. I immediately got yanked off stage and was fired from working the rest of the week. And I didn't put up a fight because I really felt bad and that I deserved the consequences. But at other shows, the bit killed. So when is a joke wrong or right? Depends on the context. Context is everything.

As the comedian, I don't know the dude who got fired from SNL. I don't even know if he's a good comic or a nice guy, but I do know that it's hard to get on SNL so clearly he has some kind of talent. And this comedy game is hard to get to the middle level, let alone the highest, and I hate to see someone get fired over something that was said in the wrong context, or received in the wrong way, or that he simply made a mistake. History is full of these scenarios. And if it's simply just a racist joke, then that's fine too. Just call it what it is and move on. At least I can know what to expect out of him moving forward and choose to participate in his "edgy, risky" comedy or not. And from all the support I've seen him get, I'm sure he'll be fine with his future comedy career. Probably even better than had he just did the next season of SNL.

As the person AND the comedian, what did concern me a little was that all week I heard nothing but white guy comics falling on their sword to defend him without considering the side of Asian people. Not even one tiny morsel of empathy. And my hope as a comic is that it's because they're truly defending their right to say anything on stage and not the right to say "chink" in general anywhere off stage, including during a general conversation with friends on a podcast. Because that’s where racism can be subtle and hide and be kindling for something more incendiary and dangerous. Words and thoughts are always gray areas. No doubt, "chink" is a funny word to say in general. But it can conjure up bad memories for people of my color, from all the times when people have made slanty eyes at us while throwing rocks, punches or shade, and yelling "chink" or "gook" or "go back to where you came from, slant-eyed motherfucker." Language has to always evolve. Because none of us want to grow up to be that grandparent who still says "colored people," even if it's not malicious. And by the way, if what you consider as "risky" or "edgy" is the same as what 8-year-olds on playgrounds say, maybe it isn't that "risky" or "edgy" at all.

Regardless, it should be okay for comics to do whatever the fuck they want to do, preferably in the right context, whatever that might be. But it’s also okay to be mindful about it as we’re exploring whether our comedy tree is bending too much, not enough, or just bending over and taking it by this ridiculous culture of outrage.

I been discussing this all week with all my comic friends and this video below from the smart and funny comedian Andrew Shulz perfectly sums up EXACTLY almost word-for-word how I feel about the situation. I highly recommend you watch it, then put all of this behind us and move on to next week's outrage news...

Watch this

A Few Bad Men: The Hearing Of Bugs Kavanaugh

I’ve dealt with enough liars, con men and hustlers in my life to know that when a person lashes out like that, it’s because they’re guilty of something and are trying to intimidate the other person into backing down. Remember when Jack Nicholson freaks out on the stand in A Few Good Men? Same shit but in real life.

OR maybe...just maybe...he really doesn’t know. Sometimes people get lost in their own bubble and start to believe their own bullshit. Especially when you’re a judge and get to play God daily. There’s no way YOU can be wrong. YOU are righteous. Which is why he believes he’s the victim here.

Eh, fuck that. He knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s the next classic liar/con man/hustler go-to move: Turn it around to show how you’re really the one who got hurt. Earn empathy. Collect money. Skip town. Just watch any Bugs Bunny cartoon where he fools Elmer Fudd into not shooting him. Bugs Kavanaugh had his big, teary bunny eyes out today. Only thing missing was a tiny violin and a carrot.

I think he absolutely knows he’s in the wrong, especially with all the deflection and theatrics. But entitlement brings out the devil from his darkness. And he wants his prize. Even if he has to lie under oath to get it— it doesn’t matter. We live in a time of lies. Where you can get away with it no matter what, as long as you say it’s YOUR truth. As George Costanza said, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” And in this America, that’s all you need to get by.

But, your “Honor,” we want the actual truth. And yes, we can handle it.

If I’m ever president one day, I promise you I will nominate Judge Dredd or Judge Reinhold.

Wow. I watch a lot of TV.



Hearts Unknown.


This was a scene from the episode he did in Austin. That, however, is not me sitting next to him. I wish I would’ve been lucky enough to have shared a meal with him. Especially Texas barbecue. But despite being a Mexican woman with shorter, fatter fingers, this person looked very much like me. She even had on the same Royals cap I was wearing as I watched the episode. Every time I see this pic in my feed, I like to think that was me. I’ve even lied to myself by now to believe that was me. And why not? We all felt like we were eating right there with him each time, didn’t we?

That’s why this is a hard one to swallow, no pun intended. It’s weird to have a special place in your heart for a complete stranger. But at the same time, we knew him all too well. He wrote so bluntly yet poetically, and he spoke so honestly and personally that it felt like we each knew him intimately. It’s like we lost a dear, close, old friend today. You know, the one who was fun and adventurous and dragged us out to have drinks and do shit we didn’t want to or would’ve ever imagined doing, but had no regrets and was secretly glad we did it by night’s end.

He dared all of us to be more adventurous. He certainly dared me to be more adventurous in my eating, travels, and even my writing. It was because of his love of Vietnam, not mine, that made me want to go visit my native land for the first time last year. I really had no desire otherwise because it seemed like a scary place from all the war stories and heartache my parents and relatives shared with me growing up. But I fell in love with it, too, thanks to him. I reconnected with my history and identity because of him.

His books and shows really did widen my perspective of life, food, culture, politics and people, as well as my respect for those things. If he taught us anything, it was definitely that. To respect one another, where we all come from, and all we’re attached to. Thank you for that much needed lesson, sir. Thank you for everything.

Here’s to you, @anthonybourdain. RIP, dammit. 🖤


Thoughts On Thoughts & Prayers. And Pizza.


You know what? It’s fine to say “Thoughts and Prayers” if you want to. Go ahead...say it, write it, post it, tattoo it on your face if you feel like it. Because sometimes, you just don’t know how else to mourn.

Maybe you’re just so shocked and filled with emotions that you can’t come up with your own words. That’s fine. That’s what these words are here for.

Who cares if people make snarky comments about how it doesn’t actively do anything or that it rings hollow. Sometimes simple symbolic gestures matter, like bringing flowers for a date...or to a funeral. And if they say you’re making it about you, well guess what? Now they’re making it about THEM! About how THEY don’t like how you made THEM suffer through such an awful thing. How could you? How dare you? Why are you such a terrible person?

Fuck. Them.

Don’t be shamed into not saying anything at all. If you want to say it, just say it. At least it expresses sympathy. At least it demonstrates compassion. At least it shows heart. At least it says you’re human.

In a time when tragedy is so commonplace, I’d rather see “thoughts and prayers” than nothing at all. Complete silence and disregard would be tragic in itself.

On another note, today is free pizza day at Planet Fitness and I’ve never seen the gym this fucking crowded.

Into The Sunset.


I bought this guy with 80k miles on it hoping it would last me 3 years. Today... 7 years, 3 states, and countless drives to open mics and comedy shows later, I finally had to say goodbye at 188k miles.

I sold it to this nice Mexican man who said he was buying it for his kid, whom he brought with him to get me to knock a $100 off the price. I did so, even though his kid was 6 years old and didn't look like he could even ride a bike. Let's be honest, my car is already filled with work tools and is carrying three ladders on the roof. Sigh.

I know, it's just a car, right? I'm not so sure. Is it possible to be bffs with a vehicle? Or maybe even more?

I once ran out of gas on top of a small mountain in Texas and coasted all the way down to the bottom on empty with it. Take that, big oil companies.

I drove it through 4 blizzards safely and with warm, heated seats. It may have been warm because I peed in pants.

I've slept in it many times in between gigs or when the motel a club booked me in looked like a place where I could be murdered.

I had a lot of dates in it where, at the end of the night, we drove this guy right to the Friend Zone.

It had a tape deck where I could still listen to my Bel Biv Devoe, Jodeci and Ugly Kid Joe tapes.

It had a DVD player for kids to watch in the backseat, even though I never had kids. But my dog really enjoyed Zootopia, Air Bud and Homeward Bound. Man, it still smelled like my dog. Not in a bad, noticeable way. Just a scent I would recognize.

And I transported so many dead bodies in it. Just kidding. Or am I...?

This was more than a car to me. More than just a friend. It was home. Wherever I was, wherever I was headed, it was always home.

Thank you for our time together. I will miss you.

Hungry Men.


Did you know women get free food 800% more times than men? Women are KILLING IT in this area.

Scientists say a big reason for this comes from women knowing how to say these words in this exact order: "Oh, I'm not really hungry. I'll just have a bite of yours." That gets them at least half a cheeseburger and definitely an entire basket of fries every time. 

In a privately-funded study I just made up, researchers attempted to teach men how to say that very phrase but the dumb men could not get the words to come out of their mouths. According to one researcher, "Their manhood would not allow it, especially in the presence of other men."

In each case, the subjects just sat in silence and quickly pulled out their wallets to each pay for their own food, at which point female researchers instinctually intervened and consumed said food.

My GoT Prediction.

1. Westeros will divide in half.

2. Daenerys will rule South Westeros.

3. Jon will rule North Westeros with a bowl haircut.

#got #gameofthrones #westeros #youhearditherefirst #markmywords #idrinkandiknowthings


Cheers To Moms.


Moms. Am I right? They made us! Like, I'm not talking in the figurative sense about how they shaped our weird, shitty personalities. I mean they actually made us! If you're a 6'4" 240 lb. dude out there, your mom created you inside her belly and pushed you out like a Toyota factory makes a Corolla. And now you're bigger than her. Wtf! That's like if the Corolla was now bigger than the Toyota factory. You know how weird that'd be for everyone who worked in that factory? But moms don't care. The bigger you grow, the happier they are so they can brag to their friends, "My child is the biggest Corolla out there. Now I don't have to struggle to reach the top shelf anymore."

But for 9 months, we all completely fucked up our moms' bodies and they didn't care! They threw up all the time, ate like a feral beagle, and their bodies turned into something from Aliens where their toes got pudgy and it made our fingers and eyeballs and then weird tubes started feeding us. The only other times I've ever seen this are in sci-fi horror movies. If dads had to go through that, they'd go hide in the woods under some leaves and die. And what'd we do in return? Us being the shitty fetuses (fetae?) that we were, we'd kick them from the inside. Just big, cheap Draymond Green kicks when they weren't expecting it. But did they get mad? Noooooo. They were happy and invited everyone to touch their bellies and immediately signed us up for a soccer team at the YMCA, which is why we all had to play soccer.

And after all that, they had to push us out! All of us. No, I don't mean collectively like the Persians in the movie 300 trying to pass through a narrow passageway, I mean our entire bodies had to come out of them. You ever try to suck watermelon through a straw? No, because that would be ridiculous. But moms did that! Well, some moms cheated, but I understand. I wouldn't want to wreck my straw either.

And now we're here today. Mother's Day. Paying back the ones who literally shaped and carried us with a cheap card from Walgreens, flowers that will die in a week and a shitty lunch at some casino buffet. But do moms care? Nope. They still love us. Because they're moms. #happymothersday

Clocking In.


I hit 3 open mics last night. The most I've done in one night was 5, but 3 was pretty good for a Monday. They were pleasant, fun rooms, too. Still, I hate doing mics so much.

They can be very judgy. You can doubt not only your jokes, but your whole existence. And the waiting around for your name to be called is unbearable. But in this world, there are no shortcuts or magic potions to make you good. You just have to do it. It's like getting abs. You just gotta do your sit-ups and crunches.

So I have to remind myself that this is my job now. These rooms are my office. The stages are my cubicle. The microphones are my keyboard. My mind is my boss who constantly wants to fire me and never gives me a raise. The few, if any, folks who aren't staring down at their phones and are paying attention are my clients. And my product I'm trying to sell them is a stupid pet rock I'm hoping will inexplicably be a hit someday. Why a pet rock? Because there isn't a more ridiculous epitome of the American dream, which is what this stand-up thing feels like most days.

The funny thing is, with every real job I've had in my life, I've shown up late to work almost every day (us people of color call that CP Time). But with this job, I've always shown up early. Sometimes way too early, like when white kids would anxiously wait for the new Harry Potter book to come out.

Guess I'm still excited to go to work and wait my turn.

How It Feels To Do Comedy At A Hipster Open Mic When You're Not A Hipster:

1. Go to a wedding reception you weren't invited to.

2. Ask the DJ to stop the music while everyone is dancing so you can give a toast.

3. Give the best toast you've ever given.

4. Cue sweat on brow from way-too-hot spotlight.

5. Cue microphone feedback over silence.

6. Cue stone-faced stare down from bride's dad.

7. Wait for slow clap.

8. Wait for it.

9. Wait for it.

10. No slow clap.

11. Say, "That's my time. Thank you and goodnight, everyone."

12. Hear your footsteps echo throughout silent room as you walk off stage.

13. Music, dancing and good times resume.

14. Go straight to In-N-Out and order fries, animal style.

15. Take off clothes and rub animal style fries all over your body.

16. Go into forest and throw yourself to a pack of hungry wolves.

Power On

A poem I wrote 17 years ago when I was in an Asian militant group called the Yellow Panthers ✊ (it was just me). Still pretty much rings true today, Hollywood.
