This Is The XSA.
After watching ESPN 30 for 30's, "This Was The XFL," I saw a lot of similarities between Vince McMahon and Donald Trump:
In his campaign to sell the XFL to the public, Vince championed how he wanted to make football great again, like the old days. In doing so, he bashed the NFL the same way DT did to Hillary and the rest of Washington.
The way Vince accused the media of being against him is nearly identical to the President's antagonistic relationship with the press today.
The XFL had a player named, "He Hate Me." Right now, every country hates us.
And the way the league quickly became a shit show after one week...two weeks...three weeks...etc., bears a striking resemblance to what's going on with the current administration.
McMahon set out to change the game by inventing a new one, with his own rules. He tried to bring what worked for him in a somewhat scripted reality TV show to a game that happens only in real time and the ending is always unknown.
The XFL folded after one season. Oh shit. We're fucked.