Making America Crippled Again
The other day on my flight, there was a smug college-aged kid on the plane with a broken leg. Not only was he wearing a cast, but also a Trump, Make America Great Again cap. He looked just like how you're imagining right now.
As we were getting off the plane, he asked for a wheelchair to take him across the jet bridge. Our Mexican-American flight attendant politely obliged and wheeled him to end of the jet bridge, to the edge of the gate, where she abruptly stopped. He asked her if she could wheel him down to baggage claim. She said it was as far as she could go. In a spoiled, entitled, whiny voice, the young man shouted, "But why? This is bullshit! Just fucking bullshit!” She calmly replied with a smile, "Because some people don't want my people to cross certain borders."
She handed him his crutches, turned around and headed back to the plane. He got up and limped over to a service desk to find someone to furiously complain to. I quietly laughed to myself and made my own way to the baggage claim, thinking how for a brief second, I fell in love with that flight attendant.
As I got my bag after a long wait, I looked around to see if the guy ever made it down. I didn’t see him.
Millions of immigrants push this country forward every day. When you bite the hand that feeds you, don't expect to be thrown a bone. Don’t expect to move ahead. Expect to be stuck in one place on a bum leg, wearing your stupid, bum hat.